2023 Board of Directors – Nominations & Elections
It’s that time again when we seek the membership’s input on the board election process. For a review of our process and how it works please review the below information. To submit your nomination fill out the appendix form in the Nominations and Elections Policy, along with a letter of support from your employer. We request that you send your nomination, application, letter of support, and other inquiries or questions, to Mike Roberts, CEO, at mroberts@bcmsa.ca.
There are a total of 8 Board of Directors elected seats. Elected board members serve a two-year term. The election will occur electronically prior to the June 2, 2023, AGM.
BCMSA Policy Nominations and Elections
BCMSA Policy Roles and Responsibilities (Management Structure)
Current Accepted Nominations – Nomination Deadline May 23, 2023
Nela Graham
Program Manager of Prevention, Metro Vancouver
Hello, my name is Nela Graham and I am:
- currently the Program Manager of Prevention in Corporate Safety at Metro Vancouver (Regional District) and have been working at Metro Vancouver for the past 22 years;
- a past president and current director on the BCMSA Board;
- a past president and director with the AIHA (American Industrial Hygiene Association);
- an Industrial Hygienist with a Masters of Science in Occupational and Environmental Health from the University of British Columbia;
- a Kinesiologist with a background in soft tissue rehabilitation (with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from UBC);
- actively involved in supporting a voice for the municipal sector in the development of OHS Regulations and Policy at WorkSafeBC and Nationally across Canada;
- super passionate about occupational health and safety and worker wellness;
- a strong believer that we can have a truly positive impact on public health and prevention of injury and illness through managing risks and wellness in the workplace; and
- excited to continue to support the BCMSA with the valuable work we do and the support we provide to local government and other industries across BC and abroad!
I’d love to continue my service on the BCMSA Board of Directors if you’ll have me J.
Electronic Election Process
Part 1: Nominations
- In accordance with its bylaws, the BC Municipal Safety Association (BCMSA) will conduct its usual nomination process. Nominations will be accepted between April 17 at 3:00pm until May 23 at 3:00pm.
- Because voting will take place electronically in the days before the Annual General Meeting (AGM), nominations will not be accepted from the floor of the AGM.
- For the eight (8) elected Director positions, the BCMSA will forward a list of all nominees to CivicInfo BC at the close of the nomination period.
AGM Registration & Determination of Authorized Voting Representative
Part 2: AGM Registration & Determination of Authorized Voting Representative
Information about the AGM and the Board Election will be distributed by the BCMSA to all regular members.
- Via an online form, each member organization will be asked to:
- register those who are planning to attend the AGM; and,
- identify a voting representative.
- In cases when no or multiple voting representatives are identified, the BCMSA will assist the regular member in resolving the matter.
- Once voting has started, a member organization may not change its voting representative. An organization that has not selected one may, however, do so.
Part 3: Voting
- Voting will open on May 24 at 3:00pm and close on May 31 at 3:00pm.
- When voting opens, an electronic ballot will be emailed directly to each identified voting representative.
- The ballot will include instructions on how to cast the ballot, and it will show the list of candidates. The candidates will be listed in alphabetically order by last name, unless otherwise specified by the BCMSA.
- Each ballot has a unique URL, with a token (a string of letters and numbers) that connects it to a specific voting representative. This ensures that each voting representative can only cast a single ballot.
- CivicInfo BC, as the BCMSA’s election agent, will resolve any issues with lost or misplaced ballots.
- If a regular member identifies a voting representative during the election period, the BCMSA will forward that information to CivicInfo BC, and CivicInfo BC will issue a new ballot.
Part 4: Results
- At the close of the election period, CivicInfo BC will provide the BCMSA with the official election results, which the BCMSA will announce at its AGM on June 2, 2023.