BCIT is Granting Transfer Credits!
Great news! BCIT is granting transfer credits for our courses, if you enroll in the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate program. The OHS Certificate is granted after completing 45 credits, of which 25 are electives; these transfer credits would apply to the electives. So keep taking BCMSA courses and get credit towards the Certificate!
- Every 8 hour course is worth .5 transfer credits
- Every 16 hour course = 1 transfer credit
- Every 24 hour course = 1.5 transfer credits (eg. Utility Locator Specialist)
- Completion of the Supervisor Safety Certificate Program (SSCP) = 2 transfer credits
- Completion of the Municipal Worker Safety Certificate Program (MWSCP) = 1.5 transfer credits
Individual courses shorter than 8 hours don’t qualify for transfer credits, unless taken as part of the Safety Certificate programs.
For more information on BCIT’s OHS program, check out their website: http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/6850cert#details