Mental Health at Work – On the Front Lines

Course Description:

When working on the front line, it’s not always easy to navigate challenging behaviour from clients or customers who may be experiencing a mental illness, including addiction.

Using the 4Rs of Recognize, Respond, Refer, Reconnect, this workshop helps with:

  • Developing effective communication skills to appropriately respond to public who may be experiencing a mental health problem,
  • Practicing strategies to move through difficult conversations and identify next steps, using motivational interviewing,
  • Learning about resources in local community.

Course Length:
4 Hours

Class Minimum/Maximum:

Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course


4 CPD Hours

Classroom & Virtual Delivery Price:
$1,450 Flat Fee (Subject to Change)

Course Timeline:
BCMSA/Industry Recommended Renewal: 5 Years