Pre-Trip Inspection (Refresher)
Course Description:
This course is for drivers who operate air brake equipment and have not been through air brake or pre-trip inspection training for several years or drivers who need a refresher in pre‑trip inspections. This course is also beneficial for drivers who need a refresher in air brakes because of National Safety Code violations or Motor Vehicle Accidents where air brake adjustments could have been a factor.
This course consists of the following:
- Theory on pre-trip inspections including the North America Out of Service Criteria information,
- Proper load securement,
- Theory on air brake operations,
- Theory on air brake slack adjuster operations and proper adjustments including both automatic and manual slack adjusters,
- Operators will have a pre-trip inspection demonstrated to them by the instructor including an explanation of what needs to be checked on the pre-trip inspection and why,
- The proper way to complete the trip inspection report and the correct way of recording deficiencies.
Each participant will be required to conduct a full pre-trip inspection of the vehicle, including checking all the slack adjusters, and complete the trip inspection report at the end of the training course.
At the conclusion of the session, a short multiple-choice written quiz will be completed by the participants. These will be marked by the instructor with the participants present.
Course Length:
8 Hours
Class Minimum/Maximum:
Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course
Course Price: