Employees Level 2: Recognize Common Mental Health Issues

Course Description:

Being compassionate and understanding of what friends, family, peers and co-workers might be experiencing in relation to their mental health is extremely important.

Learners will gain a clear and practical understanding of psychological health, common mental health issues, their telltale signs and symptoms, and available treatment options.

Course Objectives:

  • Lesson 1: Psychological Health: This lesson relates psychological health to common mental health issues and compares well-being to psychological illness.
  • Lesson 2: Common Psychological Health Issues: This lesson lists and explains familiar psychological health issues like burnout, anxiety, depression, and substance misuse. This lesson also explains suicide, and we encourage learners to practice self-care and take things at their own pace in this lesson.
  • Lesson 3: What are the Signs and Symptoms? This lesson will help learners be aware of the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues. Both personal and workplace warning signs are explored. This lesson also explores how to help someone who is suffering from a mental health issue.
  • Lesson 4: What are Some Treatment Options? This lesson provides an overview of some of the most common treatment options, like CBT, therapy, medication, and social support.

Course Length:
4 Hours

Class Minimum/Maximum:

Psychological Health and Safety Certificate Program – Employees:
Required Course

Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course

Continued Education Credits:
EOCP CEU’s: 0.4 (Virtual Instructor Led)
CPHR: 4 CPD Hours

Classroom Delivery Price:

Financial Subsidy:
This training may be eligible for the B.C. Employer Training Grant Learn More Here.