Employee Level 1: Stay Mentally Healthy and Resilient

Course Description:

Did you know that 1 in 5 Canadians is currently experiencing a mental health issue?

In this module, you’ll gain insight into the importance of psychological well-being, effectively managing stress, and self-care practices. Learners will finish the course with the tools to maintain good mental health, and tackle stress in their everyday life.

Course Objectives:

  • Lesson 1: What is Psychological Health? This lesson uses the WHO’s definition of psychological health to expand upon what it means to be psychologically healthy. There is a focus on mental health in Canada.
  • Lesson 2: Stress! This lesson explains what stress is, the different types of stress, its origins and impacts, and how we can use stress to our advantage.
  • Lesson 3: How to Manage Stress: This lesson helps identify ways to manage stress through a variety of methods, including avoiding stressors, creating routine, and seeking professional advice.
  • Lesson 4: How to Improve Your Psychological Health: This lesson focuses on self-care and finding balance in life to ensure healthy psychological health.

Provided by:

Course length:
4 hours

Class minimum/maximum:
6 Minimum / 40 Maximum

Virtual Cost:

Psychological Health and Safety Certificate – Employees:

Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:

0.4 CEU

4 CPD Hours