Rondi Shanks – Sunshine Coast Regional District
Rondi Shanks, Health and Safety Coordinator, Sunshine Coast Regional District
Inspiring and helping people to improve worker health and safety is my passion. I have over 29 years of experience in municipal work, seven of which were in a leadership role as the Health and Safety Coordinator for the City of Port Alberni. In this position, I was responsible for the development and the implementation of the city’s health and safety program. Through my time as the health and safety coordinator, the city was successful in achieving the Certificate of Recognition (COR) certification consecutively each year. In 2014, I became certified as an BCMSA Internal Auditor for the COR program.
In 2018, I was appointed by the board of directors, as the director representing unionized workers. After joining the board, I quickly learned that my passion for health and safety aligned with the BCMSA vision, which is to improve worker health and safety and enhance safety culture through the sharing of knowledge and resources. Being involved with the board over the past three years really inspired me to strive even more than ever to serve in a leadership role that supports all workers across the province in health and safety.
In early 2021, I moved into a new management position with the Sunshine Coast Regional District as the Health and Safety Coordinator. Unfortunately, due to my new management role I had to step down from the board as the unionized representative.
In saying that, I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to serve on your board again in a different capacity and put my knowledge and experience to use.