Safe and Sound: Building and Sustaining a Psychologically Safe and Healthy Workplace
Course Description:
Creating a safe workplace goes beyond hard hats and ergonomics. It also means protecting the psychological health and safety of your employees.
This workshop provides insight into the components of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace. It includes a review of local policies or regulations to help position psychological safety as a safety issue, and provides an overview of Canada’s National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety.
This workshop is suitable for supervisors, leaders, union representatives and Occupational Health and Safety committee members. It has been successfully delivered in many male-dominated work environments.
Participants learn skills to more effectively have conversations around mental health issues, and leave with a greater understanding of the tools available to support positive mental health.
Course Length:
4 Hours
Class Minimum/Maximum:
Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course
4 CPD Hours
Classroom & Virtual Delivery Price:
Course Timeline:
BCMSA/Industry Recommended Renewal: 5 Years