Professional Development & Education Credits
BCIT has assessed our courses and Programs and has granted the following transfer credits into their Occupational Health & Safety Certificate Program. Transfer credits may be used to satisfy the elective credit requirements of the program.
- Every 8-hour course is worth .5 transfer credits
- Every 16-hour course = 1 transfer credit
- Every 24-hour course = 1.5 transfer credits (eg. Utility Locator Specialist)
- Completion of the Supervisor Safety Certificate Program (SSCP) = 2 transfer credits
- Completion of the Municipal Worker Safety Certificate Program (MWSCP) = 1.5 transfer credits
To further support the Continued Professional Development (CPD) needs of the growing population of Certified Human Resources Professionals (CPHRs), and in recognition of the quality of some of the HR professional development programs offered throughout BC, the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of BC & Yukon (CPHR BC & Yukon) have introduced the CPHR BC & Yukon pre-approved CPD hours program.
Many of the BC Municipal Safety Association’s training programs have been evaluated and endorsed by the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of BC & Yukon (CPHR BC & Yukon). Information on available CPD hours are noted in the Course Catalogue.
Most of our training programs have been granted CEU’s from the Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP). Information on available CEU’s are noted in the Course Catalogue.
CEU’s are available retroactively, so if you have taken one of these courses and would like to submit them for credits, please contact us for the form.
Participants are provided with an EOCP Evaluation form at the training session. For those who are EOCP-certified, please note that it is the responsibility of your organization, or the individual EOCP member, to forward a copy of the form to EOCP to ensure the appropriate Continuing Education Units are credited to his/her name, and to pay any associated fees levied by the EOCP. The BC Municipal Safety Association will not provide this information or payment on their behalf.
Canadian Society of Professionals in Disability Management (CSPDM) is a founding member of the International Association of Professionals in Disability Management (IAPDM). For professionals maintaining their CDMP and/or their CRTWC designations can use the below courses to maintain their credits.
- Change Management – Thriving through Workplace Change (1 CEC)
- BCMSA Fatigue Awareness and Lifestyle Training (1.5 CEC)
- BCMSA Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Training for Supervisors (1.5 CEC)
- BCMSA Prevention of Workplace Violence (1 CEC)
- Dealing with Difficult Conversations (1 CEC)
- Time Management (0.75 CEC)
- Fatigue Management: Workers (4 CEC)
- Office Ergonomics (4 CEC)
- Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Reduction Strategies for Supervisors (8 CEC)
For more information on how to submit for credits visit CEC members only page.