Research Development & Opportunity Fund
The BCMSA has a Research, Development and Opportunity Fund (RDO). This special operating fund allows the organization to be responsive to emerging industry issues not allocated in their annual budget.
Money allocated to the fund comes from surplus revenue from BCMSA safety training and products sales. There is no application funding limit, however the annual balance of the account is dependent on current approved projects and the surplus of revenue at year end.
This fund is managed by the CEO and the Board of Directors. It supports new partnerships, research projects and activities relevant to the municipal industry with a focus on occupational health and safety and wellness.
All requests for project funding will be required to complete the Research, Development and Opportunity Application. Once the application is complete it will be submitted to the Director of Programs and Initiatives who will make the decision whether to submit the application for further approval. Once a project is approved by the CEO it will go to the Board of Directors. If the Executive Committee approves the application, the submission will be added to the agenda for the next Board meeting for a final decision.
- Request
- Internal Review
- Director of Program and Initiatives
- RDO committee (employee and employer representative)
- CEO Approval
- Board Approval
- Approved Project
If the submission is not approved at any phase of the review process, the applicant will be advised within 15 business days of the decision.
If the submission is approved by the Board of Directors, the applicant will be advised within 15 business days of the board meeting and the BCMSA will set up an initial planning session.
The Board of Directors have the right to apply special conditions on project approvals on a case-by-case situation such as funding release approvals, additional party involvement, etc. It will be the decision of the applicant to accept these conditions or remove their application.
Deadline for RDO Application Submission is the first business day in July of each year. Applications received after this date will be considered for funding in the following year.
Applicants must be in Classification Unit 753004 – Local Government.
Applications must be submitted to:
Justin Chouhan
Director of Programs and Initiatives
BC Municipal Safety Association
T: 778-278-3435 E: