Share resources, ask questions, and get answers from others in similar positions. Join the conversation and connect on one of our three forum discussion groups.
Municipal Safety Forum
This group is for Occupational Health and Safety Committee members and anyone with an interest in Health and Safety in the local government sector.
BC Municipal Safety Managers/Advisors
This group is restricted, and membership must be approved.
Disability Management Coordinators
This group is restricted, and membership must be approved.
BCMSA Forums are a way for BCMSA members to share information with and ask questions of other members.
If you have questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Any member may start a new topic on a Forum. All previous yahoo group members are subscribed to the forums. You can also follow a topic or discussion by subscribing to it.
How do I sign up (subscribe)?
- To access the Forums, simply sign in to the Forums section on
- From the What we do menu, click on the “Discussion Groups” link
- Select from the “Forum List”
- Fill out the form to request access to the forum you are interested in.
- Once approved, you can subscribe to it, to a topic within that forum, or just peruse the content.
- Use the browser’s back arrow to navigate back to the Forum List.
Forum access is restricted to BCMSA membership. Specific groups are intended for people in certain roles, general access will not be granted.
Subscriptions – Notifications
Subscriptions mean that you will receive an email notification when someone posts something to which you are subscribed. There are three types of subscriptions:
- Forum– Any new topics posted in the forums you are registered for will trigger an email to all forum subscribers.
- Topic – to receive email notification of replies to a new topic ensure you subscribe to that topic.
How does it work?
You will be able to interact with other BCMSA members by posting questions/comments within a forum. When an item is posted, all members subscribed to that Forum will receive an email.
If you have received an email from BCMSA Forums and want to reply to a post, click on the link in the email notification, which will take you to the BCMSA website. If you are already logged in, you will be taken directly to the Forum, otherwise you will be asked to log in, and then the posting will load to which you can reply if you desire (see important note below).
If you are perusing the BCMSA Forums and wish to post, or reply to a post:
- Select the appropriate forum
- Select “Create New Topic ” to add a topic to that particular forum.
- Select “subscribe” to receive email notifications on certain topics within that forum.
You may want to pre-type your posting or comment in Word, for example, and copy and paste it into the Forum “Description” box to post. It is possible that you may “time out” of a forum and inadvertently lose your text.
Forum User Policy
- Please respect your colleagues
- All messages should add to the body of knowledge.
- Any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal commentary or materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything in a discussion forum message that you would not want your name or your organization associated with.
- Commercial messages or messages pertaining to a political cause will not be allowed on any of the discussion forums.
- Postings regarding job openings should not be included in discussion forums activity and should be directed to BCMSA Career page.
- Commentary is allowed as it pertains to the issue being discussed. Personal remarks regarding the sender are not permitted. Commentary should not reflect a person’s preference for or against a specific party, forum, cause or movement.
- BCMSA reserves the right to reject any message for any reason and/or move a message to another forum.
- Please send your message only to the most appropriate forum. Do not spam several forums with the same message.
Discussion Forum Etiquette
- Identify yourself fully in your signature line and state concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
- Do not post messages such as “thank you for the information” or “me too” to the forum. This clogs up the list.
- Administrative messages, such as “remove me from the forum” do not need to be sent through the discussion forum. Instead, click the link at the main Communities page to remove yourself from a forum.
BCMSA Forums are provided by BCMSA solely for the use of its members, and the electronic messages that appear on BCMSA discussion forums are for informational purposes only. Any message posted to the discussion forums may represent the opinion of the author but does not represent the opinion or position of BCMSA. BCMSA does not accept responsibility for the content or the opinions expressed in any message posted to the discussion forums, and the reader should not accept the opinion posted as professional advice.
BCMSA disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on the discussion forums, whether posted by BCMSA staff, or member; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall BCMSA be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on the discussion forums.
Refrain from posting any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal materials. Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, the posting party warrants and represents that he or she owns the copyright with respect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner
BCMSA monitors all discussion forums for inappropriate postings, though BCMSA does not undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to BCMSA attention, BCMSA will take all necessary and appropriate action.
BCMSA reserves the right to terminate access to any subscriber who does not abide by these guidelines.
There are specific consequences for violation of our rule that prohibits forwarding of messages to non-members. If it can be determined that the sender acted with full knowledge and in violation of our rules, BCMSA may take action, including but not limited to removing the forwarder from the discussion forum.