Fundamentals of Underground Utility Locating

Course Description:

This course is designed for individuals who work with or around underground utilities. At the completion of this full day course individuals will be able to: -Understand what underground hazards are or could be present – Understand when utility packages are required – Distortion – Induction – Receiver Response -General Locating.

Course Objectives:

  • How electro magnetic fields differ from pipes and cables.
  • In depth explanation of the difference between passive and active signal detection.
  • Explaining the meaning of distortion and how/which frequency should be used.

Course Length:
8 Hours

Class Minimum/Maximum:

Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course

Continued Education Credits:
EOCP CEU’s: 0.6

Classroom Delivery Price:
$150 per person;

Minimum $1,800 charge per class.

Course Timeline:
BCMSA/Industry Recommended Renewal: 3 Years

Financial Subsidy:
This training may be eligible for the B.C. Employer Training Grant Learn More Here.