Utility Awareness for Municipal Workers
Course Description:
This course is designed for individuals who work with or around underground utilities.
At the completion of this full day course individuals will be able to:
- Understand what underground hazards are or could be present,
- Understand the consequences of making contact with underground infrastructure,
- Understand when utility packages are required,
- Be able to read and interpret utility packages,
- Understand what markings on the ground mean,
- Identify and compare ground markings with utility packages,
- Safely break hard surfaces,
- Demonstrate safe hand digging practices,
- Identify when work should be stopped or when utility company should be called,
- Understand emergency procedures should contact occur.
This course will be customized to fit your organizations specific procedures or guidelines.
Course Length:
8 Hours
Class Minimum/Maximum:
Supervisors Safety Certificate Program:
Elective Course
Course Price:
$150 per person;
Minimum $1,600 charge per class.
Course Timeline:
BCMSA/Industry Recommended Renewal: 3 Years